Wastewater 101
The presentation discusses the fundamentals of converting wastewater back to water and how people interact with the hydrologic cycle. This information comes from the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s website.
The Water Environment Federation is a nonprofit association that provides technical education and training for thousands of water quality professionals who clean water and return it safely to the environment. WEF members have proudly protected public health, served their local communities, and supported clean water worldwide since 1928.
The Michigan Water Environment Association (MWEA), established in 1925, is one of Michigan’s oldest organizations. MWEA represents more than 2,000 water quality professionals statewide who are dedicated to preserving, restoring, and enhancing Michigan’s water resources. MWEA is a member association of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international organization with more than 34,000 members worldwide. MWEA brings together a diverse group of individuals whose careers involve the water environment and who have similar objectives from a variety of backgrounds. MWEA provides a forum for all water environment topics. Through this forum a variety of objectives, strategies, and goals have been developed that will enhance the mission of the Association, expand the services provided to members, and result in the continued growth of the Association and its members.
“Flushable” Wipes are Ruining Our Wastewater Treatment Plants