FOIA Procedures and Guidelines

Public Act 563 of 2014

Consistent with Public Act 563 of 2014 amending the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the document provided below is the Written Public Summary of the South Huron Valley Utility Authority’s (“SHVUA”) FOIA Procedures and Guidelines relevant to the general public.

An Overview

This 15 page document details the procedure for requesting information from SHVUA.

  • How do I submit a FOIA request to SHVUA?
  • What kind of response can I expect to my request?
  • What are SHVUA’s fee deposit requirements?
  • How does SHVUA calculate FOIA processing fees?
  • How do I qualify for a reduction of the processing fees?
  • How may I challenge the denial of a public record or an excessive fee?

Click here to view the SHVUA FOIA Policy