Meeting Agendas

September 2021 Agenda

Agenda for Regular Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 10:00 AM
SHVUA WWTP Conference room

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Regular Monthly Board Meeting of August 18, 2021 (Pages 3-6)
  3. Approval of August 2021 Expenditures of $2,775,835.93 (Pages 7-57)
  4. Trial Balance as of, Aug 31, 2021 & Budget to Actual as of Aug 31, 2021 (Pages 58-59)
  5. Jacobs Operational Report for August 2021 (Pages 60-71)
  6. CDM Smith Billable Flow Report for August 2021 (Pages 72-85)
  7. System Manager Report (Pages 86-105)
    a. CDM Smith Contract Extension
    b. Election of SHVUA New Board Officers
  8. HRC Report (Pages 106-109)
    a. Priority 1 & 2 Plant Improvement Project
    b. Lystek Design-Build Update
  9. Attorney Comments
  10. Other Business that may be appropriately presented to the Authority
  11. Adjournment
    Next Board Meeting Date: October 20, 2021

Click here to see the agenda