
Rates – Budgets – Audits

Rates and Charges

The Authority through its Board shall establish fees, charges, costs and the payment thereof as follows:

Flow Based Billing. A rate or charge for the utilization of the
System shall be established, based upon the sewage flow that each community delivers for treatment to the System. The sewage flow shall be determined by meters installed or to be installed for this purpose. In the event of a failure of the meters or in their absence, the sewage flow shall be estimated on an equitable formula to be approved by the Board. The formula shall include credits as may be approved by the Board to
subtract the estimated quantity of Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) into the SHV interceptors from the total flow measured by the billing meters. On an annual basis, the Authority shall adjust the charges to each community through an end-of-year Look Back. (as provided in the Consolidated Service Agreement)

Click on the graphic below to review the Consolidated Service Agreement.

SHVUA Consolidated Service Agreement


Audit & Financial Reports

Since the authority operates as a proprietary fund, a budget is not required by the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act. The Authority has presented this information for the purpose of additional management analysis.